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Top Foods to Increase Fertility in Men and Women

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Foods are the solution to almost every issue in the world. If you want a slim body, you need to eat diet food to get fat and consume fat. Even when you are sad and depressed, food can suppress your emotional outbursts. If foods can do all of these, then certainly it can increase fertility in both men and women.

However, food for fertility is not similar to a magic diet that will result in natural pregnancy or increase sperm. It depends on your lifestyle choices from a very early age. The foods you eat are responsible for impacting hormone levels, blood flow, stress levels, and overall health. If you are concerned about fertility, and trying to conceive with your partner for a long time, it’s time to change your food habit. Here are the top foods for men and women to incorporate into your diet regime to increase fertility. 

Lentils and beans

Lentils and beans are protein and fiber-rich, which can promote ovulation. Studies suggest replacing animal protein with beans and lentils, which may reduce ovulatory infertility. On the other hand, this food items have a high proportion of folic acid, which can increase male fertility and reduce sperm abnormalities.  


Speaking of nuts, doctors advise walnuts, particularly for infertility issues. Walnuts are filled with Omega 6 and Omega 3 fatty acids that can help with your brain functions and regularize hormones. Research also tells us that, that men and women who consume walnuts every day experience better semen health. For women, it boosts blood flow in the uterus, and it provides enough antioxidants that fight radicals that damage the eggs. 

Sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds are a rich source of folate selenium and Vitamin E, which are important for both female and male reproduction. Additionally, these seeds have Omega-6 fatty acids with Omega-3. It can boost fertility in women and sperm count in men. 

Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and veggies play a bigger role in increasing fertility in both sexes. The antioxidants in fruits and vegetables protect the ovary and eggs in women. For men, it simply improves sperm conditions and repairs cellular damage. According to this study, where it showed that women who eat fruits every day have a low chance of infertility. You can eat raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, and avocados to increase fertility. 

Mushroom and oysters

Mushroom has a component called Glutathione that can maintain and protect sperm health. Shiitake mushroom has lots of glutathiones, which is why it’s good for boosting male fertility. For women, both maitake and reishi mushrooms can help with hormonal balance. It also helps with natural ovulation. 

Oysters are filled with zinc, which can help with male and female fertility. The components of oysters play a vital role to boost testosterone and semen. It also improves the production of high-quality eggs in women. 


To store more healthy fats in the body, salmon can help a lot. It’s not only beneficial for women, men can get a high level of selenium and Vitamin D from this fish. It’s best to consume wild-caught fish because it has low levels of mercury, which can be harmful to natural pregnancy. Limit the intake to twice or once a week. 

Egg Yolks

Most people avoid this to cut calories in their food. But egg yolks are packed with essential Omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin B, which improve the health of red blood cells and maintain the embryo. Also, yolks protect sperm from radicals and they can improve sperm motility as well. 

Cheese and Greek yogurt

Cheese and Greek yogurt contain Vitamin D, probiotics, and calcium, all of these can improve ovulation. For men, it’s best to consider low-fat versions, which can boost sperm quality. 


You can also add beetroot, sweet potatoes, asparagus, quinoa, liver, and watermelon to the list. Also, consider the above food recommendations to improve fertility. Furthermore, change your lifestyle, get good sleep, and avoid smoking and alcohol consumption, to get a better result. 

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