Egg freezing, also known as oocyte cryopreservation, is a fertility preservation technique that allows women to freeze and store their eggs for future use. It's a process that involves the stimulation of the ovaries to produce multiple eggs, which are then retrieved, frozen, and stored for future use.

Who can benefit from egg freezing?

Egg freezing is an option for women who wish to preserve their fertility for various reasons. Women who may consider egg freezing include:

  1. Women who are planning to delay childbearing due to career or educational goals.
  2. Women who are about to undergo cancer treatments that may affect their fertility.
  3. Women who are at risk of premature ovarian failure due to genetic or medical reasons.
  4. Women who wish to preserve their fertility before undergoing surgery that may affect their reproductive system.
  5. Women who are not ready to start a family, but want to ensure they have the option to do so in the future.

What is the process of egg freezing?

The process of egg freezing involves several steps:

  1. Ovarian Stimulation: The patient will receive daily injections of fertility medications to stimulate the ovaries to produce multiple eggs.
  2. Egg Retrieval: Once the eggs are mature, they are retrieved from the ovaries using a needle guided by an ultrasound.
  3. Egg Freezing: The eggs are then cryopreserved using a process called vitrification, which involves rapidly freezing the eggs to prevent the formation of ice crystals that can damage the eggs.
  4. Storage: The frozen eggs are stored in liquid nitrogen at -196°C until they are needed.